Sunday, December 06, 2020

On Kamefuchi's Essay about Heisenberg and Yukawa (6)

References [25–28] of this article.

4 Different methods of theoretical physics research

Kamefuchi divides the methods of theoretical physics research into the "ascending type" and the "descending type" to explain why Heisenberg's and Yukawa's later studies were unfinished. In the "ascending type," the researcher "builds up the theory from the basic points." In the "descending type," he or she "sets a hypothetical principle at a high level far beyond the existing theoretical system and descends from there to try to deduce all the laws of physics. Kamefuchi adds, "In the latter method, one has to rely on intuition or analogy. Neither of these has objectivity or inevitability. So, mostly one goes astray." He then infers: Both Heisenberg and Yukawa achieved results by the former method in the first half of their career. However, they turned to the latter type in the second half, failing to complete the research.

Yoichiro Nambu also described a similar classification of research methods [25, 26]. Kamefuchi thinks that the research method can change between the first and the second half for one researcher. On the other hand, Nambu names them by the proper name of famous physicists as if a researcher uses a single method throughout his or her life. However, we should understand each of them to be the one related to the representative, successful research done by the physicist used for the naming. Nambu calls his categories "Yukawa mode" and "Dirac mode" in [25]. As an explanation, I will introduce a concise one in the book by Michio Kaku and Jennifer Thompson [27].
The Yukawa mode is deeply rooted in experimental data. Yukawa was led to his seminal idea of the meson as the carrier of the nuclear force by closely analyzing the data available to him. The Dirac mode, however, is the wild, speculative leap in mathematical logic that led to astonishing discoveries, such as Dirac's theory of antimatter or his theory of the monopole [...]. Einstein's theory of general relativity would fit into the Dirac mode. ([27] p. 85)

Later, Nambu modified this and divided his classification into three types. [26] The explanation for each is as follows.
  • Einstein mode (top-down): To create a theory by assuming that "nature should follow this principle." Example: Einstein's theory of gravity (general theory of relativity), made under the assumption that "in general, space may be curved."
  • Yukawa mode (bottom-up): To start from the working assumption that "behind the new phenomenon, there is some new field or particle, apart from deep reasons." Examples: Yukawa's meson theory and Pauli's neutrino hypothesis.
  • Dirac mode (from heaven): To assume that a mathematically beautiful theory should be true. Examples: Dirac's monopole theory, supersymmetry theory, and string theory, currently being explored.
Einstein's general theory of relativity, which was an example of the Dirac type at the stage of literature [25], was promoted to the independent one. As a result, the Einstein type (top-down) and the Yukawa type (bottom-up) have become equivalent to Kamefuchi's "descending type" and "ascending type," respectively. Nambu states about the examples of Dirac-type as follows. 'The existence of the monopole is now the natural consequence of the quantum field theory, but we still need to confirm it by observation. Studies of supersymmetry and string theories are currently in full swing, so we can say that it is "the heyday of Dirac mode" nowadays.' However, the success or failure of these theories is still unclear, and it is interesting to keep an eye on what a future comes for the high energy physics theory.

By the way, I wonder if Einstein's general theory of relativity is entirely top-down. This is because it is known that there was a thought experiment at the starting point for him to come up with this theory as quoted by Holton ([28], p. 78): "For him, at least in the vicinity, there is no gravitational field during the fall, for example, given an observer who falls freely from the roof." Kamefuchi does not state that Einstein's mode of thinking had been top-down since the time of the general theory of relativity. Instead, he writes that Einstein also turned to the use of the top-down method in the 30 years of his later life for trying unsuccessfully to unify the gravitational and electromagnetic fields.

Here I would like to add the story in Kaku and Thompson's book [27] that Nambu's friends named a type that combines the first two classifications by Nambu "Nambu Mode." They made this naming in commemoration of Nambu's 65th birthday (1985). I quote the related part below.
[...] This mode combines the best features of both modes of thinking and tries carefully to interprete the experimental data by proposing imaginative, brilliant, and even wild mathematics. The superstring theory owes much of its origin to the Nambu mode of thinking.
Perhaps some of Nambu's style can be traced to the clash of Eastern and Western influences represented by his grandfather and father. [...] ([27] p. 85)


I heartily thank Naoki Toyota, Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University, for his telling me that there is a story in Ref. [10] that Bohr criticized Pauli's lecture as well as for his other useful suggestions provided by email exchanges on the topic of this article.

  1. Y. Nambu, "Direction of particle physics," in Proc. Kyoto Int. Symp.: The Jubilee of the Meson Theory, Kyoto, Aug. 15–17, 1985, edited by M. Bando, R. Kawabe, and N. Nakanishi; Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 85, 104 (1985).
  2. Y. Nambu, One Hundred Years of Elementary Particle Physics (International Institute for Advanced Studies, Kizugawa, Kyoto Prefect., 2000) in Japanese.
  3. M. Kaku and J. Thompson, Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe (Oxford University Press, Oxford, N. Y., 1997; first edition, Bantam, 1987).
  4. G. Holton, "What, precisely, is "thinking"? ...Einstein's answer," in Einstein, History, and Other Passions (AIP Press, Woodbury, 1995) p. 74. [See also "On trying to understand scientific genius," in Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to Einstein, Revised edition (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1988) p. 371.]
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